I feel the overall sound quality is good due to where I have positioned the speaker. However I had problems fitting the speaker in and should have left more room for this before 3D printing the piece.
I was also hoping to silcoln cast the blue part, however due to the 3D printer breaking down and then time, this was not possible.
My model, luckily printed well on the CNC but only just due to the way the underside curves in and under slightly. In the future I would know to consider the shape more when working in pro engineer before manufacture.
However, overall I am really pleased with my final outcome and feel I have learnt a huge amount in such a short space of time. Pro engineer was a struggle but with perseverance I managed to create the shape I was after. I changed the colour to just white with a black grille, this was because after I put the white coat on I was really pleased with the way it looked. Other than that I feel I have managed to create my final idea sketch.